Veksel A/S invests in Asset Life

Veksel A/S invests in Asset Life

Veksel A/S who operates the electrical grid of Langeland, has purchased Utiligize’s Asset Life platform, in particular the Forecast & Investment tool to optimize investments to efficiently expand the grid.

“The ability in Asset Life to make realistic scenarios and simulations of the future load is unique and gives us a better overview of what assets that needs to be replaced or expanded – and when”, says CEO Lars Birk Rasmussen of Veksel.

Lars Birk Rasmussen, CEO at Langeland’s Electricity Supply Foundation

Kalle Hansen, CEO of Utilize, adds: “We are very happy to help Veksel with the green transition. Asset Life will be integrated with the ERP, GIS and metering data of Veksel to give full transparency of their assets. In short: Better decision making not based on historic data, but based on forward looking data”.

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